Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How businesses can succeed at email marketing for mobile apps

There is more to the world of digital apps than games. With the rising usage of smartphones and tablets in the workplace, as well as the integration of apps in desktops, there have been thousands of work-related apps launched over the past few years. While these apps may seem self-sufficient, they still rely heavily on marketing to find their place in the market. Harris Scott Kreichman of eTargetMedia believes that email marketing remains one of the top marketing tools for mobile apps. This makes it crucial to have an effective email marketing arm when doing business. Here are some tips businesses can follow to succeed at email marketing for their mobile apps.

Image source: gadgetsnow.com
Proper targeting: What’s great about advertising online is how content can be customized. When doing email marketing, it’s best to target audiences instead of sending them all the same messages. It doesn’t take much effort, and the results are impactful. Depending on the content, businesses could even boost brand loyalty by creating premium content for exclusive audiences.

Personalized content: Attuned with targeting, it is also important for audiences to receive personalized content. If everyone got a template message, it wouldn’t feel like the business is putting much effort into their email marketing. It’s additional work, of course, but it’s worth every minute. Communicating through personalized messaging improves brand image.

Image source: edition.cnn.com
Always have a call to action: Every email marketing message should have a call to action at the end of the message. The action a business wants its customers to take may vary, of course. It’s not just about making purchases. According to Harris Scott Kreichman, other call to actions may include sharing the information on social media, answering a survey, reading more about, or even liking and subscribing to affiliate social media websites or apps.

Harris Scott Kreichman has over 20 years of experience in email and direct marketing. As managing partner of eTargetMedia, he has led the company to become one of the leading email marketing companies in the industry with top clients across all verticals. For more on Harris and his work, visit this page.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Online: The future of marketing

Harris Scott Kreichman eats, breathes, and sleeps online marketing. He has studied every facet of online marketing and anticipated its meteoric rise in the business world.

Image source: wordstream.com

Online marketing, just like any other business practice, takes time to learn and master. And just like any business practice, it is ever-evolving.

The appeal of online marketing is that it is incredibly far-reaching and trackable when executed well. In fact, many business and marketing experts have gone so far as to say that online marketing now rivals just about any existing type of marketing campaign.

While there are several reasons why online marketing is the future of marketing, the most obvious one is that an ever-increasing number of people are online at any given point in time. In society today, the majority of people are glued to their smartphones or other handheld devices.

Image source: theconversation.com
Business owners who have decided to take on online marketing know full well how cost-efficient a campaign can be. Email marketing and social media campaigns can connect with consumers at a much lower cost than other channels.

However, Harris Scott Kreichman mentions that one of the most underrated benefits of online marketing is the ease in which marketers and businesses can gather data to improve their marketing campaigns.

Harris Scott Kreichman is a veteran email and direct marketing executive with over two decades of experience. He is the founder and managing partner of eTargetMedia. To learn more about Harris, his work and passions, check out this page.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Quick email marketing tips for 2020

Email marketing hasn’t reached its peak yet. The industry is still growing and constantly evolving with new technology to disseminate information. This makes it imperative to move with the times. Email marketers today need to stay informed of trends in the email marketing industry, according to Harris Scott Kreichman of eTargetMedia. Here are some quick email marketing tips to get you through 2020.

Image source: business2community.com

If you are just starting to utilize email marketing as a tool, you should first identify lead generation techniques you want to employ and see if it will work well for your business. Today, lead generation can be outsourced, created through software or apps, or even be part of an existing website.

Once you have your leads, it is important to have different content for you to send. Categories of content could include success stories from other customers, brand-centric stories that feature your company’s history or its sustainable practices, product tutorials and reviews, and product placements.

Image source: lyfemarketing.com
As much as possible, try to make your emails interactive. Interactive, in this sense, means the reader should interact with the message by following a suggested action. This is why most email marketing materials have a call to action. This call to action could be to answer a survey, go to the main website, like the post on Facebook or share the email with someone whom you believe would benefit from the email.

Harris Scott Kreichman believes that it takes a lot of effort to maximize email marketing as a marketing tool fully. But for those who are just trying it out, they can see this as a creative way of understanding a tried and tested industry tool.

Harris Scott Kreichman is an active charitable donor and a veteran email and direct marketing executive with over 20 years of experience. Harris specializes in email marketing, digital marketing strategy, customer acquisition, advertising, multi-channel integrated marketing, and media buying. For more on Harris and his work, visit this pagee.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The extreme need for philanthropists in today’s world

Online marketing expert Harris Scott Kreichman is passionate about making the world a better place. In fact, he participates in a number of philanthropic projects from some of the most well-known humanitarian organizations in the country.
Image source: worldvision.org 

Image source: commons.wikimedia.org
Harris believes that while the world has always appreciated philanthropy, there exists an extreme need for it today more than ever. Whether it’s helping homeless people find shelter, sending underprivileged children to school, or taking care of the sick, the world today needs to be united in giving everyone a better life.

There is also the fact that since everyone is more connected today than they have ever been in the past, spreading information and awareness has never been more possible. The truth is so many people out there who are willing to help are simply unaware of the conditions of others. Harris Scott Kreichman mentions that there is a philanthropist inside almost everyone waiting for a cause. They need to know who and what they can do to help.

And while there seems to be an extreme need for philanthropists, Harris believes there will be no shortage as long as people help other people discover worthy causes and the pure joy in helping others.

Harris Scott Kreichman has vast knowledge and experience in email and internet marketing. He is also active in helping humanitarian causes. Learn more about him, his work and passions, by visiting this website.